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Moving Forward

"Certainly things will work out as long as you work hard and put a little heart-filled effort into your process."

It was 1 minute till midnight on New Years Eve. I thought to myself lying in my bed and staring above at the ceiling while my upstairs neighbors beat down the floor with his loud ass stereo. The big bass sounds of Johnny cash prevents me from sleeping at all. My bedroom a stinky mess of hate and despair. I hated those assholes upstairs so much just trying to get back to sleep. I made a promise I would better myself and do whatever it takes to realize my first published book. Little did I know I would achieve so much more.



  1. Destiny Series

  2. Social Media

  3. Website

Want to give some insight and highlights of how things have transpired this past year. Also going to quickly talk about what is going to happen moving forward and into the next year pertaining my marketing and promotion tools. I've learnt a lot this year when it comes to writing. What works what doesn't work so well. So moving forward I'm going to centralize my authorship and push into high gear.

1. Destiny Series

Destiny: Book of Love was a huge hit, especially for a self-published indie author. Just goes to show you what can be achieved with hard work and persistence. (Just patting myself on the shoulders.) I'm very happy to see so many interested in Destiny Book of Love. Happy to hear what you think of it once finished. Feel free to message me or email me anytime. Also if you didn't know it is now free on a majority of eBook apps and devices. So grab it while your on holidays and get into the world of Destiny.

Destiny: Book of Hate was released on December 13th this year. It takes off where Book of Love left and leads the main characters down the path of Darkness and Despair. It takes the world of Destiny and enhances the stakes to the point of no return.

Defiantly and huge achievement to be able to finish 1 book this year let alone 2. Book of Hate was an easier book to write from the first because of how much I learnt this year in such little time. I'm so happy with this part of the series because of its raw and brutally great story and arc. So many great characters striving for what they what down the path of their own tormented and magical Destiny.

Destiny: (insert title here) is well on its way in the early stages of writing. More info will come out in the new year. SO keep your eyes peeled for the epic conclusion the first trilogy in the Destiny Series.

The world is going paperless. When it comes to book sales or books ordered, its awesome to see so many more people grabbing the eBook version of Destiny Book of Love.

2. Social Media

Social media is a roller coaster of constant followers dropping and popping back up. I've figured out what is working and what is not working out for me. Facebook has worked out the best but maybe is not the be all place to focus my authorship. Twitter does very little but has the best potential of success. Goodreads, a website for readers who love to discuss the books they are reading and a website for authors to share their collection. This website is middle ground for me along with Instagram.

What does all this mean? Well moving forward I will not be posting as much book content on Facebook and Instagram. My focus points will be going to Twitter and Goodreads. As they have the potential of massively increasing book sales and help with promotion. If you haven't already you should follow me on Twitter and Goodreads for all the book related content. There will be posts periodically on my other social media sites.

My Twitter account has had a successful year with over 300% growth since the start of the year, which is awesome. Hopefully that will continue into the new year.

Goodreads was a hidden power I didn't know about until halfway through this year. It was the best potential for finding readers for my books. In 2018 I will be making better strides towards finding more and more readers using its secret power. (lol)

3. Website

This year I took on a new hobby and tried to turn into a career. I had to shelf my addiction to video games and push my limits into the #Writerslife.

Did it pay off?

Does it really matter? I enjoy writing so much now that the pay off comes every single day that I put on my new headphones I got for Christmas from the the in-laws. (Thanks, they rock) It's the best feeling in the world to craft something out of nothing and chisel it out to be an essence or form of life.

With that being said I pursued such a great deal and tried to take on so much that I stumbled and rose to the occasion. The website was the back bone of my Authorship and had great substance to everything I did. I worked hard at it and made sure to use it to its full potenial. The once things got to busy in real-life I had to put it on the back burner and focus on that part of my life. Well it showed.

Moving forward I will be putting a lot of time into the following.

  • Breaking News

  • Blog (Reviews on Games, Books (comics mostly), and Movies) Currently reading Michael Crichton's Dragon Teeth

  • Short Stories

To help keep fans and friends interesting in my content I believe these items will help drive excitement and and readership based of my writing skills. There is a lot of styles t write in and I would like to pursue some of them.

Blog Reviews being 1. I enjoy a lot of different art types and love talking about them. So why not write and show my opinion about them too. Most of you who know me know that I love to talk about the nerdy stuff that I live around. Hope your excited about this one because this is the biggest welcomed path I plan on walking next year.

Breaking News is more of the same. Just going to revitalize it through my website. Be sure to subscribe for *free* on the homepage of my website for up to date content.

Short Stories. With help figuring out where to go after my first trilogy of Destiny is done, I am going to write quiet a few *free* short stories and post them on my website. There is a plethora of ideas rolling around my head and I need to get them out. here's a short list.

  • Epic fantasy

  • Apocalyptic western

  • Family Christmas comedy

  • Old style western

  • Zombie style (my take)

  • Destiny Side Stories (4 different ones)

As you can see there is a ton of things I want to write about. Haven't really planned out how this will all go down but extremely excited to get into this next year. Also these will be free on my website or an app next year. (haven't decided how to pursue this one yet)

So with all that said, Moving Forward shall be an even more breath taking experience than ever before. I am super happy with what I've achieved both in the good and bad times this past year. I would be happy to hear what you think about this post down below by leaving a comment or a like.

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